Well my blogging has been less than stellar lately but life with a two year old tends to keep one very busy!!
So here is a wrap up of Life with the Thompson's over the last few months.
March -we have a wonderful visit from my Mom, Brother, nephew, future sister in law and my soon to be niece. We were so glad they came to visit!!
In April we took a trip to a little place you may have heard of.... DISNEY WORLD!! That's right we spent 4 days mingling with Mickey, playing with princesses and having an all around good time. I will say this. Disney is a bit much for a 2 year old. Can you say DISNEY overload?!? All in all, it was a great time!
Not sure who was more excited to meet Tigger.. Me or Sophia ;) |
Chatting with Cinderella |
Lots of love for Mickey |
Mid April Stephen left for a Leadership school in Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. So Gma J flew down and we took a little Road trip back up to Iowa. Sophia being in the midst of potty training, we saw just about every bathroom from Alabama to Iowa, making for a very Looonnnggg trip.
3am photo shoot |
She loves her road trips ;) |
And she sleeps... |
So that brings us to now. We are hanging in Iowa during the week and meeting up with Stephen on the weekends. We spent Tuesday at the good ol' Des Moines Zoo. Hoping to hit up Living History Farms and the Science Center before we had back to Alabama next month.
We are still waiting to hear about Korea. So please keep our family in your prayers as we are desperately wanting to go to Korea as a family. God had his plans, we just have to trust him.
So there is a quick update on our life here in Thompson land.
Much love !
The Thompson Fam :)