Our Pretty little Princess

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lil Peanut Stella

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, May 22

It has been well over a year since my last post and what a year it has been. I have finally decided to come back to our blog after this long hiatus for many reasons but mainly because I love to reminisce and remember because when I do I become more and more thankful for the life god has choose for me and the many people he has brought to me.

Today as I was out for my morning run the last year ran through my head like a movie reel. So much so that I knew I needed to get it out of my head and into my blog. The need is there not only for me but so someday I can show this to Stella when I explain to her just how amazing her little spirit was from day one. Also, I want Sophia and Stephen to have this to remember too. What a year we have been through. What started as turmoil and stress has ended in blessing beyond our wildest dreams.

So I will back up now start from the beginning. On February 7th,2012 in Daegu, South Korea I went in for a second (yes I did say second) induction in hopes that this time around I would love the hospital with a bouncing baby in my hands instead of waddling out with a baby still bouncing in my stomach. This time around Stephen stayed with Sophia until my water broke and I was ready to push. So my labor was spent in a  hospital with nurses who did not speak my language. I learned quickly during my epidural that even with the language barrior the strong grip of a nurses hand and her caring demeanor calmed me down in no time.

Long story short after a few pushes all 7 lbs  of Stella Grace Thompson popped right out. She was amazing, perfect and I thought she looked just like me :)  From all accounts she was happy, healthy and perfectly fit right into our family.

At her two week appointment she had lost weight and continually lost. Then she started aspirating lading us in the Korean Emergency room and hospitals which is a scary place to be when your little one is sick and no one can speak your language or tell you what is going one.
This back and forth from ER to doctor to ER went on for what seemed like a year but was really only about a month when Stephens command and Stella's doctor decided we needed to go back to the US. We waited patiently and visited the ER a few more times before we saw a nutritionist who insisted we be on the next flight to Hawaii. Stella couldn't wait for ppwk to go through she needed care now. She was in the negative % for her height and weight and they were now talking CF as the cause. (We were scared)

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