Our Pretty little Princess

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lil Peanut Stella

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, December 5

Happy Birthday Miss Sophia!

Can you believe it?!? Sophia Noel is a year old! It doesn't even seem possible! A year ago Stephen and I were welcoming our little bundle of joy into the world, wondering what was to come. Now a year later we have a beautiful, smart, cute little munchkin who thinks she rules the house. It was a bitter sweet day today. I was so excited to celebrate our beautiful daughters birthday but so sad to be doing it without Stephen. He did get to sing to her over the web cam so that made the day a little brighter. We miss you Stephen!

We had a wonderful little party with lots of friends and family! Sophia had a blast and was so good! She made out like a bandit! She will be a very stylish one year old , with lots of toys to play with :)

Alright her are some pics hope you all enjoy !

Thursday, October 22

Lessons I am learning

This deployment has giving me a total new outlook on life, marriage and parenting. First, I have found a love for my husband I never knew existed. I love him more today than I did the day I married him. This deployment has made us fall in love all over again but this time by using only the words we have to give and the feeling we share for each other.

Second, My outlook on life has changed. This deployment has giving me a chance to revisit the independent Sara, the one who takes out the trash, walks the dogs, goes to events solo, drive cross country on my own (although that will never happen again !! lol )I have been blesses with a chance to rekindle friendships, I have become more aware of my strengths instead of focusing on my weaknesses. Some days I want to scream or curl up in a ball .. (The days I miss him so much and the dogs need walked but its 30 degrees and raining.. The baby needs a bottle and dinner is burning.. and its 6pm and I still haven't showered) Those are the days I go to bed and know that if I made it through this day then tomorrow will be that much easier.
I don't watch the news when it comes to war like I use to.. all i need to know Stephen will tell me. Honestly if he is safe and I can talk to him then who cares what's going on. I call this the stupid effect... I will stay stupid to the danger for this year.. and every year my husband goes to that god awful place.
At the same time it has reminded me how many people love us and are willing to help our little family when we need it. I thank god everyday for those family and friends.

Third, I have a new found appreciation for single mothers.. how do you do it?!?
I have learned more patience and the importance to put the computer down, shut off the TV and just play. Laugh with my daughter, hold her when she needs me and be a kid myself. It is those special moments where I can watch Sophia learn and grow that I understand just how lucky I am. Those "woe is me moments" are out the window because it is up to me to keep this little girl happy and healthy. It is amazing how a little baby not even a year old can teach me so many life lessons. I just love her!!

Wednesday, October 7

Just gotta Laugh!!

Deployments are hard .. and on the hardest days this amazing little girl can lift me up.. and after watching this video you'll know why!! She is amazing!! I love her so much!!

Daddy Doll and the Pumpkin Patch

Last weekend we took a trip to the Pumpkin patch and brought Daddy doll along! We had so much fun!! Sophia picked out the perfect pumpkin and let daddy name it :) He named our very first Halloween Pumpkin (drum roll please) ... STEVE.. hmm.. we will go with it :)

This weekend we are off to KC to visit everyone and we can't wait !!

Saturday, October 3

Folks we have a walker.. well kind of..

Sophia is cruising around the house by way of her little pusher toy!! God help us when she figures out how to walk (which I feel will be very soon ) ..


Okay the Southern Lifestlye we have been leading for the last 2 years has made me weak! Today was one of those fall days I forgot happend here in the North. Rain, cold and wind.. Ugh! The one, two punch did however give me a chance to try on Sophia's new winter coat! SO CUTE!

Well We finally have internet that will support our blog so we are back!! Since we last blogged lots has change for our little family. Stephen has left for Iraq while Sophia and I have moved in with Grandma. We are all trying to stay strong !! Sophia is EVERYWHERE into EVERYTHING and keeps me on the go!! Here are some pics!

Tuesday, June 30


We headed out to the Ft.Benning Independence day Celebration last weekend. Stephen had to work but we still had lots of fun!!

Beach days!!

We love being outside in the summer!! Around here if you are outside you better be near water because it is HOT!! We have been spending our days at Callaway Gardens beach!! Sophia LOVES the water!!

Sunday, June 28

catching up..

We FINALLY have internet again!! So I have all sorts of pictures to post from the last month. Here are a few of the pictures from Grandma Judy,uncle Chris and cousin Christophers visit...

Wednesday, May 13

Play dates are so fun!!

Sophia loves her play dates with Ethan.. and I love the chance to talk to someone over the age of 5 months for a day!! lol

Saturday, May 2

Funny Faces!!

These are Sophia's favorite faces to make lately! Along with this lovely face comes an ever lovelier snorting sound !! LOL

Friday, May 1

She Can sit.. Well sort of..!!

Stephen and I wanted to see if Sophia could sit up using her hands.. with my hands ready to catch her she held her own for about a minute or so ..even played with a toy!!

Wednesday, April 29

All Smiles

I took this picture today after Sophia's nap...Don't ya wish we all could wake up with a big smile on our face!!! I love this girl!!

Sophia LOVES to LAUGH!!!

This is a cute little video of Sophia.. she LOVES to LAUGH!!

Hope you all enjoy it.. I know I always do!!

Tuesday, April 28

We are now blogging.. Well.. We loved our old website but it was just to much of a pain to keep up. Since Sophia is keeping me so busy I thought a blog would be more appropriate... Plus blogs are just so much fun!!

Well Sophia is almost 5 months old and she is doing all sorts of things!! She has met all her milestones for her age and has completed most of her 6 month milestones. I think we may have a genius on our hands people..lol !! She is just overall the happiest baby ever! Loves her sweet peas and green beans .. and of course is crazy about her mommy and daddy!! She is a little over 13lbs now which the doctor said is perfect for her age!! She is just an angle!! Stephen and I are doing great!!

Stephen went through WLC school last month and was gone a lot! Sophia and I missed him but are glad his has that over with! We spent this last weekend at Callaway gardens where were had a picnic by the lake and then went biking .. It was beautiful!! So many things to see and I know little Sophia loved it!!

I am still planning on staying at home for the time being.. I am having to much fun watching Sophia grow and learn!! So wonderful!! That is it for now!! I promise to keep this blog spot updated weekly!!

We miss and love you all!! The Thompson family!! We added some pictures of our latest adventure at Callaway Gardens